- FLOAT 有 Vault 和 BANK token 支撑
- BANK token 有三个目的
- first to take the profit created in times of excess demand for FLOAT
- second to support the price of FLOAT from time to time
- third to govern the Float protocol
- FLOAT 是没有固定锚定价格,短期波动小的稳定币
- FLOAT 在 v1 版本中,价值部分由 ETH 支撑,未来会引入更多加密资产
- 匿名团队
- FLOAT 的初始价格位 1.618 美元,然后会随着底层资产和 Vault 因数变动
- Float 的底层资产不能被赎回,但会用于稳定 float 的价格
- Vault 中的资产来自套利者对 float 的拍卖,用于稳定 float 的价格
- The ratio between the value of the Vault and the total value of FLOAT at target price is called the Vault Factor
- In every ^^contraction or expansion auction^^, the protocol aims to move the Vault Factor to its target price
- the supply of FLOAT will fluctuate over time depending upon how much is needed to be minted or burned in an expansion or contraction
- if the price of FLOAT is too high, this excess demand is captured and transferred to BANK. Similarly, if the price of FLOAT is too low, BANK is used to support the FLOAT price
- Every period (initially set to ^^24 hours^^), we calculate the FLOAT TWAP. If it differs from the Target Price, we do an expansion/contraction of the FLOAT supply as necessary.
- FLOAT 稳定机制
- FLOAT 高于锚定价格
- 通过荷兰式拍卖扩张
- 套利者可以低于市价的价格购买 FLOAT
- FLOAT 低于锚定价格
- 通过反向荷兰式拍卖缩减
- 套利者可以高于市价的价格卖出 FLOAT